
ScaleFast: Adds Unicodes to existing glyphs

Closed this issue · 2 comments

When writing scaled glyphs into an existing UFO, some Unicodes values of existing glyphs are changed. (In my case Delta, Omega, mu).

(In my case Delta, Omega, mu)

It seems to be a subset of those that changed in AGL 1.7, could it be different AGL version that was applied by the script?

The updated version of ScaleFast should handle those in a nicer way. MutatorScale transfers unicodes from the source glyph to the scaled one. I have yet to find a nice way to let either the scaler or the user decide wether the unicode should be retained or skipped (in case of [one —> onesuperior] for instance). Anyway, font.autoUnicodes() is no longer part of the game and that was the problem I think.