
addComponent in pointPen NotImplementedError

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There is a traceback while using the extension which I'm currently using on RF 1.8 and it's slowing down the preview. I wonder if this could be fixed in the RF built in libraries or it's fixable in the extension:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "lib/eventTools/eventManager.pyc", line 129, in callObserver_withMethod_forEvent_withInfo
  File "cornerToolController.py", line 82, in setControls
  File "cornerToolController.py", line 112, in makePreviewGlyph
  File "cornerToolController.py", line 120, in makeCornerGlyph
  File "cornerToolController.py", line 142, in breakCorners
  File "/Users/bahmaneslami/Github/loicsander/Robofont-scripts/CornerTools/CornerTools.roboFontExt/lib/glyphObjects.py", line 1725, in __init__
  File "lib/fontObjects/robofabWrapper.pyc", line 2806, in drawPoints
  File "/Applications/RoboFont1.app/Contents/Resources/lib/python2.7/defcon/objects/glyph.py", line 311, in drawPoints
  File "/Applications/RoboFont1.app/Contents/Resources/lib/python2.7/defcon/objects/component.py", line 102, in drawPoints
  File "/Applications/RoboFont1.app/Contents/Resources/lib/python2.7/robofab/pens/pointPen.py", line 21, in addComponent

This happens if I choose the CornerTools>Corner Tools from the Extensions menu. I wonder if this error is recent because of the latest changes in Robofont. Any ideas?