
Datasets for Berry, Levinsohn & Pakes (1995)(https://www.jstor.org/stable/2171802?seq=1) and (1999)(https://www.aeaweb.org/articles?id=10.1257/aer.89.3.400)

Primary LanguageArc

VER Paper (AER, June 1999) Data Archive

All the 14 files from the original home page. No rights reserved.

Notes from the original home page

VER Paper (AER, June 1999) Home Page

Maintained by Jim Levinsohn

There are several files used in the June 1999 AER paper.
You can download them all from this page.
The wonders of technology.
A caveat: All these programs are adapted to run on my own (Sun) workstation.
If you want to run them, you will need to change all the file locations and so on.
There may be differences between the version of Gauss for which these were written (in 1996) and the most current version.
I've done my best to make all this stuff available, but I'm not able to answer everyone's email queries about particular programming issues.

The main program is base.prg

The data files that get loaded are: panel6.asc, otherdat.asc, lagged_erate.asc, and otherdat3.asc.

You will also need a gauss data file for the logit dependent variable (although this can be commented out of the base program.) This gauss file is y3.fmt.

The library (*.lcg) files are berry.lcg and struc-inst-steve.lcg.

These library files call the following source (*.arc) files. concat.arc, mystat.arc, ownopt.arc, print.arc, mydata.arc, and struc-inst-steve2.arc.

Best of luck and thanks for looking at this stuff.
