Example lokalise-api-hello-world-app-with-node does not work
ridestoredev opened this issue · 3 comments
Describe the bug
Example from https://developers.lokalise.com/docs/lokalise-api-hello-world-app-with-node does not work with node v18
If i use import word, I see:
node --experimental-modules translations/upload.js
(node:16975) Warning: To load an ES module, set "type": "module" in the package.json or use the .mjs extension.
(Use `node --trace-warnings ...` to show where the warning was created)
import { LokaliseApi } from "@lokalise/node-api";
SyntaxError: Cannot use import statement outside a module
with require, as docs say:
const { LokaliseApi } = require('@lokalise/node-api');
Error [ERR_REQUIRE_ESM]: require() of ES Module node_modules/@lokalise/node-api/dist/main.js from translations/upload.js not supported.
Instead change the require of main.js in translations/upload.js to a dynamic import() which is available in all CommonJS modules.
To Reproduce
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Expected behavior
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Your environment:
- Node version 18
Additional context
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To make it working, the upload.js should look like this:
require('dotenv').config({ path: "./.env.local" }); // if next.js is using
const { LOKALISE_API_TOKEN } = process.env;
const lokaliseProjectId = 'some-project-id';
const englishI18nFile = require('./en.json');
const filename = 'en.json';
const lang_iso = 'en';
(async function () {
const LokaliseApi = await (import('@lokalise/node-api').then(m => m.LokaliseApi)); // js module
const lokaliseApi = new LokaliseApi({ apiKey: LOKALISE_API_TOKEN});
try {
const data_base64 = Buffer.from(JSON.stringify(englishI18nFile)).toString("base64");
process = await lokaliseApi.files().upload(lokaliseProjectId,
{ data: data_base64, filename, lang_iso }
console.log('upload process --->', process.status);
} catch (error) {
console.log('ERROR --->', error);
Well, the first error actually explains what's going on: set "type": "module" in the package.json
. This is because the latest version of this SDK is an ESM module as mentioned in the README. So, one should either use it with ESM project, or use a dynamic import. If that's not feasible, you can stay on v8 which is supported and has all the features of v9. So, this behavior is pretty much expected. I'll add a note to the DevHub article. Thank you for reporting this!
Here's that part from the README for reference:
Please note that starting from version 9 this SDK is a pure ESM module. It does not provide a CommonJS export (require) anymore. Therefore you should either convert your project to ESM, use dynamic import, or stay on version 8 which we are fully supporting.