🐝Team Bee Admin

πŸ›  To-do

  • Make sure not to save a combo of letters that was prev userd.

πŸ‘¨β€πŸ’» Local development

Quick reference

When working in dev env the app will look for the API locally at port 3000 so spin up the team-bee-api project.

npm run serve // Compiles and hot-reloads for development
npm run build // Compiles and minifies for production
npm run lint
npm run dictionary // Builds dictionary.json

πŸ“– Word lists

The list used is for building an answers list is constructed as follows:

  1. Start with usa-61k.json
  2. Add usa-10k.json: 10,000 most frequently used English words
  3. Add custom.json: Short, manually compiled list of words
  4. Filter bad words
  5. Filter words shorter than 4 characters
  6. Filter words that use more than

USA English 10,000 words with highest frequency usage


Source: https://github.com/first20hours/google-10000-english

USA English 61,000 words


Missing: cootie, ecotone, iconic, neocon, nonce, nontoxic, toon, toonie, convoyed, cocooned, coed, condo.

English - 194,000 words


Missing: ecotone, neocon, and toonies.

Source: http://www.gwicks.net/dictionaries.htm

English - 466,000 words


Missing: neocon and toonie.

Source: https://github.com/dwyl/english-words

Bad words

