
What does this mod do?

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Just wondering what it does? :)

I should put the stuff from the moddesc into a readme, but it is essentially my effort at making steering via the keyboard a bit more to my preferences.

From the moddesc:

This mod is designed to give a more analog-like control to the steering and acceleration inputs when using a keyboard.

Key Features:
- Steering input increases linearly for first 500ms of steering input
- Steering input drops off linearly at the same rate when there are no key presses
- Steer back force is proportional to road speed (so you can still manouver normally at low speeds)
- There is a limit to the steering angle that is also proportional to road speed
- Press both left and right keys at the same time you will go straight (instead of turning right as you do in standard game)
- There is no steering back force when stationary, even at 100% for the steering back setting
- Acceleration input is smoothed to reduce the twitching of a vehicle when tapping the accelerator key (single player only)

- If you are using a game pad or controller then the mod will do nothing
- The "Steering Sensitivity" setting in the game is unchanged
- The "Steering Back Speed" setting now controls the amount of reset force and also the range for the maximum steering angle