
[Request]Auto Refresh till*

Opened this issue · 3 comments

Could be awesome if you'd add a new feature that refresh the page till it change, for example:

Refresh every 10 seconds www.google.com and if there is a change on url the refresh stops.
Something like
varURL = 'www.google.com'
if URL != 'varURL' then refresh

I dont know much about programming but I mean something like that.

The new PAGE MONITOR feature is a great idea, been looking forward to something like this.
It needs one more thing though:
"STOP timer once it FINDS the target text (or regex)".

(sorry for hijacking this thread, didn't want to start another one, since it's pretty similar request).

I am using it right now and its working really well.

"STOP timer once it FINDS the target text (or regex)".

"START timer once it LOSES the target text (or regex)".
that would be insanely useful :)
