

Opened this issue · 1 comments

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How are you supposed to build this? https://github.com/lonefelidae16/extra-sounds/wiki/How-to-build-this-project Is VERY unclear. Why do I need a programming phd to download this mod? Where am i supposed to type all the " > git fetch

git checkout origin/dev
git submodule init
git submodule update "
stuff? What is going on?

Step-by-step reproduction instructions


Is this related to other mods or libraries?


Screenshots, latest.log, code snippet

No response

Welcome to the VERY UNCLEAR port of ExtraSounds. Pre-built Jar links are available in a VERY unclear location.
You may not need a PhD in programming to download this mod. Please read this wiki carefully, and check GitHub Tags’ commit message again.

To repeat from #4 and related to #6 , this port was made for my own use, and will seem esoteric and difficult to many. I’m just a mod user, not a provider. And now you have come to the UNOFFICIAL fork.
If you are serious about building this project yourself, perhaps answering the following questions will help you:

  • What OS you are using, Windows or Linux?
  • Have you installed JDK? If not, please follow this guide and set up.

Lack of Environment info.