
add a new parameter in cache wrapper

luckystar1992 opened this issue · 0 comments

All things works fine when I used cache wrapper in the examples. But I met a big problem if I want to cache a inner function when design a lazy query tools. For example:

from memoization  import cached

class LazyQuery:
    def __init__:
        self.pipeline = list()
        self.cache = cached(max_size=10, ttl=10)

    def query1(**args):
        def func():
              # do something()
        return self

    def query2(**args):
        def func():
              # do something()
        return self

    # other query function with inner funciton cache wrapper

    def run():
        _input, _output_ = None, None
        for step in self.pipeline:
            _output = step(_input)
           _input = _output
        return _output

if __name__ == "__main__":
    lazy_query = LazyQuery()
    for i in range(5):

In fact, each inner cache wrapper funciton in every query has its own cache structures, like id(cache) in caching/lru_cache.py get_caching_wrapper(). Therefore, If the cached wrapper can add an extra position paramerter cache after custom_key_maker would be better.

def get_caching_wrapper(user_function, max_size, ttl, algorithm, thread_safe, order_independent, custom_key_maker, cache):