
css file with wrong path and dropdown is actually drop up

Closed this issue · 3 comments

First i wanna say you've made a good work.
I've found some minor mistakes such as:
The import of vue-bootstrap-selectpicker.min.css has a wrong path (you missed "dist"), so it should be like import 'vue-bootstrap-selectpicker/dist/css/vue-bootstrap-selectpicker.min.css' and the same with the js file.

Another detail is that your data attribute upShow is set to default true and there is no prop to change it.
It should be set default to false and should have a prop to change it.

You should permit to disable the styling for custom design like a prop default-class="" which removes bootstrap classes

@joelpro2 Thank you very much for finding these errors for me.

The upShow data property is calculated after the component is mounted. This design may be a bit unreasonable.

I will solve these problems as soon as possible.

eventually for some reason it's dropping down now

Update v1.0.4
Add a placement attribute to set the top or bottom value

<select-picker  placement="top"...