
Selection range dates stopped by the first disabled date

Closed this issue · 4 comments

Hi everyone,

Actually, i use this plugin to my website but i have a very weird bug :

Into my process, i disabled many dates (with the closure 'beforeShowDay'), in my example the Monday are disabled, look it :


But if i choice my first date for example a Tuesday, i can't selected a end date after the first Monday disabled, then there are some days enabled after... :


Do you have a potentials issues ?

Best Regards,

Any solution to this problem?

For a few months I have had the feeling there is a bug related to the time when the DatePicker is used.

@jeffzedev03 can you run your experiment at multiple times of the day and report your timezone? I had some issues that only "appeared" around midnight, days were shifted, ranges would not work, etc. The next morning, everything worked appropriately. So maybe something with timezones / daylight savings time, etc.

@jeffzedev03 I opened a related issue on StackOverflow here: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/47712849/ignore-sundays-from-jquery-date-range-picker/

Here's the working example: https://jsfiddle.net/maximelafarie/dnbd01do/21/

As you can see, the sundays are disabled but you still can select dates after it. Hope it will help you.

Seems that @maximelafarie has covered this in detail 🤓 , closing issue