
BUG: Wrong week number displayed, only after having selected a date range

JPCrounse opened this issue · 5 comments

Here is a jsfiddle demonstrating this issue: https://jsfiddle.net/vhfrqtk6/1/

The issue can be replicated when selecting a date range starting in March 2019 and ending in April of 2019.
When the picker is subsequently re-opened, the first week of April (week 14) displays as week 13.

This only seems to happen after a date range has been selected.
Prior to selection the correct week number is displayed.

Here is a screen shot displaying the issue: https://imgur.com/a/Ngxb6nN

Best regards,

If you're using moment, then getWeekNumber: (day) => moment(day).isoWeek() seems to do the trick.

Same goes for the first three days of 2020.


These days officially belong to week "2020-53" according to ISO week dates

Screenshot 2021-01-26 at 17 46 56

So #475 (comment) might be a viable approach...

If you're using moment, then getWeekNumber: (day) => moment(day).isoWeek() seems to do the trick.

This works but the code seems to use the first day of the week to determine the week number, so in case you're using Sunday as the start of the week you'll have to use this instead: getWeekNumber: (day) => moment(day).add(1, 'd').isoWeek()

possibly related: #376

@monovertex maybe we should use the "ISO week" approach as suggested by #475 (comment) as default option to align with overviews like http://www.whatweekisit.org

And then maybe do a check for which start of the week was used (Sunday or Monday) as suggested by #475 (comment)