
Please add composer support

tshadrin opened this issue · 3 comments

Please add composer.json file to composer support. Thanks.

I'm not sure I follow. Composer is intended for PHP dependencies. NPM or Yarn should be the tools used to manage JavaScript dependencies (we have an issue with the NPM config right now, but it will be resolved).

Is this a standard flow, adding JS dependencies through Composer? I'm asking because usually JS plugins don't have a composer.json file, but rather the package.json file. Could you show me an example?

Closing because of no activity and because there are ready to use solutions without needing to register this library as a Composer package (and I don't feel that it would be one anyway - one should use Yarn or NPM to manage JavaScript packages anyway).

BUT! Note that this -- adding front-end libraries to a browser-based application -- is really the only use case for which Asset Packagist is appropriate. If you're writing a JavaScript app for Node, you should use NPM or Yarn, not Composer! Asset Packagist isn't meant to replace NPM or Bower, and it doesn't necessarily resolve dependencies the same way they do. So use this power wisely and well.
~ https://lightning.acquia.com/blog/round-your-front-end-javascript-libraries-composer