
Fixture 'shipping_initial' is missing

5in4 opened this issue · 4 comments

5in4 commented
  • longclaw version: 1.0.0
  • Django version: 2.1.7
  • Python version: 3.7.2


After setting up longclaw according to the documentation (https://jamesramm.github.io/longclaw/docs/tutorial/install#migration), the management command 'loadcountries' fails.

./newproject/manage.py loadcountries
CommandError: No fixture named 'shipping_initial' found.

Somehow json files were excluded from the tarball. I've pushed a fix and will make a bug release asap.
For a workaround you can manually add the folder shipping/fixtures to your longclaw installation

Oops! I forgot I had fixed but not released. I'll make a 1.0.1 release today

@JamesRamm kind reminder here :)

🤕 I'm terrible. It is done.