
Can someone explain how to apply the patch?

garfieldbart opened this issue · 4 comments

Can someone please explain to me how to apply the patch? Is this also done using the apktools?

I was able to start with the decompile with apktools, but don't know how to continue.

Thank you in advance.

Which OS are you on? In macOS or Linux, you can run the following command in terminal. Refer to README.md for details

# decompile
apktool d -r -f netflix.apk

# apply the patch
patch -p0 -i ./netflix.patch

# recompile
apktool b -f netflix

# sign
./signapk.sh netflix/dist/netflix.apk mimi.keystore password mimi

That would probably be my problem, I'm a windows user (shame on me ;-) )
So the java thing I got done, but I don't know how to do the patching in Windows.

Anybody know how to do this in Windows?

I also have Windows and I can't do it. Could you apply the patch to the current version of Netflix and make it available for download here? Or at least a version that has the new layout, the old one is not good.