xvecs_size seq4_model_00000000.fvec: weird file size 415130 for vectors of dimen sion 128
liaoyu1992 opened this issue · 7 comments
I am very interested in this method. I tried to run the program according to your thoughts. When I made the stadium prediction, I made this mistake:
I found this error for a long time. What is the cause of this? This is part of the log when I was training:
The code is tested on Visual Studio 2015 on a Windows7 system with MATLAB R2016a.
thank you.
The cause of the problem is the file size of the .fvec file is incorrect. The .fvec file stores (SIFT) feature descriptors in the leaf node . The size should be N x 128 x 4, where N is the number of leaf node, 128 is the SIFT feature dimension and 4 is each float requires 4 bytes.
Not very sure, but one of the reason is the .fvec was damaged or replaced improperly after training. The relevant code is bool BTDTRegressor::saveModel(const char *file_name) const
, in two_point_calib/src/pan_tilt_forest/bt_dtr/bt_dt_regressor.cpp).
Here are things you may try:
- manually check the size of .fvec, is the size dividable by 128 * 4?
- print the size before white the .fvec file. You can do that in line 167 (before YaelIO::write_fvecs_file(leaf_node_files[i].c_str(), data);) of bt_dt_regressor.cpp.
Hope that helps.
I have done many trainings and printed the size before white the .fvec file.
This is one of the training results:
ths size of (SIFT) feature descriptors in the leaf node is not dividable by 128 * 4 .
Why is this happening? I studied the code and found no reason.
In many trainings,only once the result the size of .fvec, is the size dividable by 128 * 4 .
There is another question,The code static long xvecs_fsize(long unitsize, const char * fname, int *d_out, int *n_out)
, in two_point_calib-master/src/pan_tilt_forest/dt_util/yael_io.cpp.
Why is the rule of judgment is nbytes % (unitsize * d + 4) != 0
,Instead of nbytes % (unitsize * d * 4) != 0
You dive deeper than I do to the yael. My guess of unitsize*d+4, the 4 is an extra data for the number of features. If it is the case, my first suggestion is not correct. Just for your reference.
What do you print for "tree index 0 size is xxxx", it looks the number of leaf nodes in the tree or the sizeof(data) in which data is a Eigen::Matrix.
Is the code sometime works, but some other times do not work? Or it never works?
You may try this way to test if the code works a simple case? Set the number of tree to 1, so that there is only a .fvec file. Then, manually check this name in the model.txt.
What you get is the size of a Eigen::Matrix. It is N x 128, 4 should be removed as its type is "float". These numbers are good.
How do you test the code? The problem is in .fvec file read/write. So you'd better to isolate the problem and write a unit test to test the YaelIO::read_fvecs_file and YaelIO::write_fvecs_file. For example, using a randomly generated 1x 128 matrix.
I prepared data by two_point_calib/data/prepare_train_data_ptz.m
,Trained the model by two_point_calib/src/pan_tilt_forest/btdtr_ptz_train_soccer.cpp
,then tested the soccer by two_point_calib/src/pan_tilt_forest/btdtr_ptz_test_soccer.cpp
I studied the code modifed from: https://gforge.inria.fr/projects/yael,then I will test the read_fvecs_file
and write_fvecs_file
thank you.
The problem is in YaelIO::fvecs_read(file_name, d, n, v)
and YaelIO::fvecs_fwrite(FILE *fo, int d, int n, const float *vf)
,This code not work on vc++2015 on a Windows7 system.I modified the code like this:
`int d = (int)data.cols();
int n = (int)data.rows();
const float * v = data.data();
std::ofstream os(file_name, std::ios::binary);
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
int ret;
printf("fvec_fwrite: row %d\n", i);
os.write((const char*)&d,4);
Eigen::VectorXf vx = data.row(i);
int size = vx.size();
for (int j = 0; j < size; j++)
printf("fvec_fwrite: row %d col %d\n", i,j);
float result = vx[j];
os.write((const char*)&result, 4);
`std::ifstream is(fname, std::ios::binary);
long i;
for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
int new_d;
is.read((char*)&new_d, 4);
if (new_d != d) {
fprintf(stderr, "fvecs_read error 2: unexpected vector dimension\n");
return -1;
float *loc = (a + d * (long)i);
is.read((char*)loc, d * 4);
the code can work normally.