
React version as a dependency

Closed this issue · 3 comments

kajyr commented


we would like to utilize this library to implement our interface for looker dashboards, but I see that the published npm package requires a peer dependency with react@"^16.11", and to make things worse in the main branch of the repo, in package.json react 16 is set as a dependency.

Since this will cause 2 react versions in the dependency tree, would it be possible to make this UI library independent of the installed react version?

I agree here this is causing a major pain point in my build process. I can't install anything without running with --legacy-peer-deps . I need to be at least at react 17

No date on fixing this yet but we do have an internal ticket # 244340534 that is looking at this.

The latest versions of all packages widen the React peer dependency range up to version 18.