
SSL Certificate could not be verified

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Hello everyone, I'm trying to connect to my gcp instance in gzr but it doesn't work.

After putting in my looker.ini
[prod] base_url=https://xxx.cloud.looker.com:443 client_id=yyy client_secret=zzz verify_ssl=True

and executing the following code :

gzr user me --host https://xxx.cloud.looker.com/ --port 443

I obtain the error :

ERROR: Connection Failed.
Did you specify the --no-ssl option for an ssl secured server?
You may need to use --port=443 in some cases as well.

What can I do ?

Use gzr user me --host xxx.cloud.looker.com --port 443 with gzr, or don't include --host ... at all to use looker.ini.

It doesn't work anyway :/

Does it work if you specify everything on the command line? Delete the Looker.ini file and try that first. Send me the result.

Yep, I tried to remove the looker.ini file

gzr user me --host https://xxx.cloud.looker.com/ --port 443

ERROR: Connection Failed.
Did you specify the --no-ssl option for an ssl secured server?
You may need to use --port=443 in some cases as well.

try gzr user me --host xxx.cloud.looker.com --port 443

it's interesting because I've tried with the classic url .cloud.looker.com and I get the same error, on the other hand we have another url for the same looker instance that works and I get another error.

Error loading credentials from netrc file for https://yyy.fr:443/api/4.0/
ERROR: Invalid credentials

In my .netrc file I have

machine https://yyy.com
login zzz
password aaa

the problem is that I connect on the Looker instane only with SSO

don't use the https:// in the machine name in your .netrc file. gzr just uses the host name, not the url.

We find the source of the problem, it was because of the SAML. So when we went in an other looker instance without the SAML authentification it worked.

Thanks for the update