
Can't export/import dashboard with merge_query

Opened this issue · 2 comments

I am using gazer version v0.3.12 and have two separate instances. When trying to export folder with a dashboard that contains merge_query, I get resource not found. I then used Looker API explorer get dashboard method to dump code, then tried to import using gazer, I get the same resource not found error:

gzr folder export 101 $GZR_DEV
Error querying merge_query(6kkNO8mtdxYKiUZSfZEJra)
GET https://.looker.com/api/4.0/merge_queries/6kkNO8mtdxYKiUZSfZEJra: 404 - The resource you're looking for could not be found

I opened a support case with Looker and it's not an issue in Looker api. Their process is using LookML Dashboard method to export and import between projects/instance.

Has anyone come access issues with exporting/importing dashboard with merge_query?

There has been work recently in this area. Can you retry?

I just tried the export operation on version v0.3.16 and it is resolved. I will try the import operation in upcoming days and report back. I would expect it to work as well.

Thank you.