
Failing to install gzr on action - "console" from wisper conflicts with installed executable from fastlane

Closed this issue · 3 comments

Long running action started failing last night on gzr install with the following error against the console with conflights:

Run sudo gem install gazer
sudo gem install gazer
shell: /bin/bash -e {0}

ERROR: Error installing gazer:
"console" from wisper conflicts with installed executable from fastlane
Successfully installed tty-tree-0.4.0
Successfully installed unicode_utils-1.4.0
Successfully installed strings-ansi-0.2.0
Successfully installed strings-0.2.1
Successfully installed tty-color-0.6.0
Successfully installed pastel-0.8.0
Successfully installed tty-table-0.12.0
Error: Process completed with exit code 1.

Please advise if any more information is needed - we use this to sync dashboards between two looker envs.

We're seeing the same error as well using: sudo gem install gazer. A temp workaround has been to use sudo gem install gazer --force however we're not sure what's causing this/what a fix might be.

that did the trick to fix the install issue I was seeing, and we were able to run the action successfully with the --force added
I am going to keep this open until this is resolved by the bigger-up's within gazer/looker and we are able to remove the --force

Unfortunately there is nothing I can do about this. Both the whisper and fastlane gems want to install an executable named console. I don't control either of them.

You can uninstall the fastlane gem, or you can the rbenv utility to create separate standalone environments to run gazer.