
soft deleting many to many pivot records?

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Is it currently possible to soft delete pivot records?

Imagine I have a relationship like the following:


  • id
  • deleted_at

(many to many)

  • id
  • user_id fk
  • address_id fk
  • deleted_at <-- i want this


  • id
  • deleted_at

The library does work well when addresses are soft deleted, despite the pivot relationship still being there (user.addresses relationship is empty).

However, I would also like the pivot table record to be soft deleted as well (when calling the likes of detach). Is that possible out of the box with this package? I couldn't find any references in the codebase for pivot or many to many that looked like they handle the automatic pivot model that adonis creates

Hi, @mr-feek!
Nope, plugin's nothing know about pivot tables for your model relations, you need self write this logic.

Example, try create for user_addresses a model UserAddress with deletedAt column and use soft-delete. And add to User model a relation through HasManyThrough for addresses

Great, I'll give that a shot. Thank you for the advice and quick response! 🤝