
select * from "model_with_soft_deletes" where "id" = $1 and "model_with_soft_deletes"."deleted_at" is null limit $2 - relation "model_with_soft_deletes" does not exist

Closed this issue · 3 comments

migrated database/migrations/1698706721243_user_soft_deletes

Migrated in 1.38 serror     database/seeders/development/0_User
  select * from "model_with_soft_deletes" where "email" in ($1, $2, $3, $4, $5) and "model_with_soft_deletes"."deleted_at" is null for update - relation "model_with_soft_deletes" does not exist

Was I supposed to make a model for this? If so, that is not explained in your docs and the code is so heavily abstracted I can't make heads or tails of where "model_with_soft_deletes" is even coming from.

I'm also getting the same error as 16.

 // set custom `deletedAt` column name
  @column.dateTime({ columnName: 'customDeletedAtColumn' })
  public deletedAt?: DateTime | null

public deletedAt?: DateTime | null produces the following TypeScript error:

Property 'deletedAt' in type 'User' is not assignable to the same property in base type 'LucidRow & { $forceDelete: boolean; deletedAt: DateTime | null; readonly trashed: boolean; $getQueryFor(action: "insert", client: QueryClientContract): InsertQueryBuilderContract<...>; $getQueryFor(action: "update" | ... 1 more ... | "refresh", client: QueryClientContract): ModelQueryBuilderContract<...>; delete(): ...'.
  Type 'DateTime | null | undefined' is not assignable to type 'DateTime | null'.
    Type 'undefined' is not assignable to type 'DateTime | null'.ts(2416)
(property) User.deletedAt?: DateTime | null | undefined
❯ migrated database/migrations/1698706721243_user_soft_deletes

Migrated in 1.38 s
❯ error     database/seeders/development/0_User
  select * from "model_with_soft_deletes" where "email" in ($1, $2, $3, $4, $5) and "model_with_soft_deletes"."deleted_at" is null for update - relation "model_with_soft_deletes" does not exist

Was I supposed to make a model for this? If so, that is not explained in your docs and the code is so heavily abstracted I can't make heads or tails of where "model_with_soft_deletes" is even coming from.

I'm also getting the same error as 16.

 // set custom `deletedAt` column name
  @column.dateTime({ columnName: 'customDeletedAtColumn' })
  public deletedAt?: DateTime | null

public deletedAt?: DateTime | null produces the following TypeScript error:

Property 'deletedAt' in type 'User' is not assignable to the same property in base type 'LucidRow & { $forceDelete: boolean; deletedAt: DateTime | null; readonly trashed: boolean; $getQueryFor(action: "insert", client: QueryClientContract): InsertQueryBuilderContract<...>; $getQueryFor(action: "update" | ... 1 more ... | "refresh", client: QueryClientContract): ModelQueryBuilderContract<...>; delete(): ...'.
  Type 'DateTime | null | undefined' is not assignable to type 'DateTime | null'.
    Type 'undefined' is not assignable to type 'DateTime | null'.ts(2416)
(property) User.deletedAt?: DateTime | null | undefined

I started having this problem when I activated a feature to use global Hook. In this case, my AppProvider.ts file in the boot method has this code

public async boot() {
   const { BaseModel } = this.app.container.resolveBinding('Adonis/Lucid/Orm')
   const boot = BaseModel.boot
   BaseModel.boot = function() {
     if (this.booted) return
     this.before('create', (item) => {
       console.log(`[BEFORE] User is creating ${item.constructor.name}`)
     this.after('create', (item) => {
       console.log(`[AFTER] User has created ${item.constructor.name}`)

Without this, the error does not happen.


@column.dateTime({ columnName: 'customDeletedAtColumn' })
  public deletedAt?: DateTime | null,

this is inserted automatic

@TDodgeCo How you use this addon without models? The first paragraph of docs:

This addon adds the functionality to soft deletes Lucid Models

About public deletedAt?: DateTime | null produces the following TypeScript error:

See comment #16 (comment)