
A parser for TOML in Scala

Primary LanguageScala


A parser for TOML in Scala. TOML is a simple configuration language (https://github.com/toml-lang/toml).



def get(key: String): Option[Any]

Get value regardless of type. Value will return None if key is not present.


def optional[A](key: String): Option[A]
def opt[A](key: String): Option[A]

Get value as given type A. Value will return None if key is not present or if key is present with a type other than A.


def require[A](key: String): A
def req[A](key: String): A

Get value as given type A. Value will throw an exception if key is not present or if key is present with a type other than A.

seq (shorthand)

def seq[A: ClassTag](key: String): Seq[A]

Shorthand for optional[Seq[A]](key).getOrElse(Seq.empty).


  1. Clone github repository
  2. $ sbt compile

At this point you might want to publish or publish-local if you intend to use it.


  1. $ sbt test