Support for overlaps json operator
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The connector support the "contains" json/array operator. This operator select rows which contain ALL value in the array.
I propose the support the "overlaps" json/array operator. This operator select rown which contain ANY value in the array.
Use Cases
With this feature, you will be able to use the JSON Array [array operator &&
] operator from PostgreSQL(
Row 1: [ A, B]
Row 2: [C, D]
Row 3: [E, A, B ]
Look for any row which overlaps with [C, F] => Should return Row 2
Acceptance criteria
- Doc
- Test
- Code
It is very easy to implement. Unfortunately, I don't know how to use correctly GitHub for PR. So, I can provide code, and i hope someone will be able to PR it.
/test/postgresql.test.js line 294 -------------
it('should support the "overlaps" where filter for array type field', async () => {
await Post.create({
title: 'Overlaps: LoopBack Participates in Hacktoberfest',
categories: ['OL_LoopBack', 'OL_Announcements'],
await Post.create({
title: 'Overlaps: Growing LoopBack Community',
categories: ['OL_LoopBack', 'OL_Community'],
const found = await Post.find({where: {and: [
categories: {'overlaps': ['OL_Super', 'OL_Community']},
]}}); => p.title).should.deepEqual(['Overlaps: Growing LoopBack Community']);
/lib/postgresql.js, line 553 ------------------------------------------------------
case 'overlaps':
return new ParameterizedSQL(columnName + ' && array[' + => '?') + ']::'
+ propertyDefinition.postgresql.dataType,
case 'contains':
return new ParameterizedSQL(columnName + ' @> array[' + => '?') + ']::'
+ propertyDefin line 601---------------------------------------------------
Operator overlaps
The overlaps
operator allow you to query array properties and pick only
rows where the stored value contains any of the items specified by the query.
The operator is implemented using PostgreSQL array operator &&
Note The fields you are querying must be setup to use the postgresql array data type - see Defining models above.