
Plot footprints

Closed this issue · 2 comments

pairs.pairMap(pairs.pairMap(logNorm_cbar=None, show_binding=True, flank_plot="strand", figsize=(6, 6), output="Image.pdf", flank=(50, 150), align="left", alpha=0.3, cmap="seismic", show_diagonal=True, legend_name_score="Bigwig Score", xtick_num=10, log=np.log1p, dpi=100))
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "", line 1, in
File "/util/opt/anaconda/deployed-conda-envs/packages/tf-comb/envs/tf-comb-1.0.3-py310/lib/python3.10/site-packages/tfcomb/utils.py", line 493, in pairMap
raise ValueError(f"Parameter 'logNorm_cbar' has to be one of [None, "centerLogNorm", "SymLogNorm"]. But found {logNorm_cbar}.")
ValueError: Parameter 'logNorm_cbar' has to be one of [None, "centerLogNorm", "SymLogNorm"]. But found GridSpec(1, 2, width_ratios=[1, 10]).

I run TF_COMB on terminal on server as it gives errors when ran on anything else oin my computer. Can you please tell me:

  1. Why it is giving error for 'logNorm_cbar' when I am putting none?
  2. How to save the image generated on terminal? I have tried to save with the 'output=path' command and with 'save=path' command, didnt work. Can you please let me know what else can I do?

Hi @Rajashree93,

I noticed you called the function twice, which causes the error.
Could you please try the following command, which should resolve the Issue.

pairs.pairMap(logNorm_cbar=None, show_binding=True, flank_plot="strand", figsize=(6, 6), output="Image.pdf", flank=(50, 150), align="left", alpha=0.3, cmap="seismic", show_diagonal=True, legend_name_score="Bigwig Score", xtick_num=10, log=np.log1p, dpi=100)

For your second question: output=path is the right way to do it in this case. Please remember to substitute or assign path with the actual path on your server, e.g. "/path/to/the/file/filename.pdf"

If this doesn't work for you please let me know and I'm happy to assist you further.

Kind regards

vheger commented

I will close this for now, since there was no activity for a long time in this Issue.
Please feel free to reopen the Issue if the problem persists.