
Flirty Commonwealth - Move to early group

MacSplody opened this issue · 0 comments

Flirty Commonwealth

It's sorted later than most files by LOOT due to its size.
It reverts changes in a lot of other files, and also distorts the sorting algorithm.

  - name: 'IcebreakerCDO-Piper.esp'
      - 'FlirtyCommonwealthFemale.esp'
      - 'FlirtyCommonwealthMale.esp'
  - name: 'ImmersiveGenericDialogues.esp'
      - 'FlirtyCommonwealth.esp'
      - 'FlirtyCommonwealthMale.esp'
      - 'FlirtyCommonwealthMM.esp'
      - 'FlirtyCommonwealthFemale.esp'
  - name: 'PiperCaitCurieDialogueOverhaul.esp'
      - 'FlirtyCommonwealth.esp'
      - 'ImmersiveGenericDialogues.esp'
      - 'FlirtyCommonwealthMale.esp'
      - 'FlirtyCommonwealthMM.esp'
      - 'FlirtyCommonwealthFemale.esp'
  - name: 'PlayerComments.esp'
      - 'FlirtyCommonwealth.esp'
      - 'FlirtyCommonwealthFemale.esp'
      - 'FlirtyCommonwealthMale.esp'
      - 'FlirtyCommonwealthMM.esp'

No Companion Junk Comments

No direct conflicts that matter, but the load after rules are required.
To prevent No Junk Comments.esp being sorted incorrectly.

No Junk Comments.esp correctly sorts after PiperCaitCurieDialogueOverhaul.esp with default sorting.
If PiperCaitCurieDialogueOverhaul.esp is set to load after FlirtyCommonwealth.esp.
No Junk Comments.esp willl then be placed before PiperCaitCurieDialogueOverhaul.esp.
These load after rules are then required to correct the sorting.

  - name: 'No Junk Comments.esp'
      - 'FlirtyCommonwealth.esp'
      - 'FlirtyCommonwealthMale.esp'
      - 'FlirtyCommonwealthMM.esp'
      - 'FlirtyCommonwealthFemale.esp'

. If you're using Set me Up or any alternate start mod. Please load their plugin AFTER this mod's plugin.

No conflicts with any version.


If you're using Better The Third Rail and Better Goodneighbor. Please load their plugin BEFORE this mod's plugin.

No conflict with either file.
