
LuauRegenerateSourcemap error

realtica opened this issue · 3 comments

Hello, autocomplete is not working and LuauRegenerateSourcemap gives me this error:

Error executing Lua callback: ...hare/nvim/plugged/luau-lsp.nvim/lua/luau-lsp/command.lua:19: attempt to index field 'uv'
 (a nil value)                                                                                                           
stack traceback:                                                                                                         
        ...hare/nvim/plugged/luau-lsp.nvim/lua/luau-lsp/command.lua:19: in function <...hare/nvim/plugged/luau-lsp.nvim/l

This is my config:

vim.o.exrc = true
require("luau-lsp").setup {
  fflags = {
    sync = true, -- sync currently enabled fflags with roblox's published fflags
    override = {
      LuauTarjanChildLimit = 0,
  server = {
    settings = {
      -- https://github.com/folke/neoconf.nvim/blob/main/schemas/luau_lsp.json
      ["luau-lsp"] = {
        completion = {
          imports = {
            enabled = true, -- enable auto imports
  sourcemap = {
    enabled = true,
    autogenerate = true, -- automatic generation when the server is attached
    rojo_project_file = "default.project.json"
  types = {
    roblox = true,
    roblox_security_level = "PluginSecurity",

Thanks, now I received this error:

Try the latest commit, I fixed that (you can also provide an argument to the command like :LuauRegenerateSourcemap path/to/your.project.json, but yeah, it should also work even without passing an argument which is what I just fixed), but actually it should run automatically as you have sourcemap.autogenerate enabled, can you check your logs with :LuauLog? Also make sure you have the server running with :LspInfo

Invalid project file provided should be fixed with 4146be6, feel free to reopen if this is not the case