
WEBCFW seems to be broken

AnnsAnns opened this issue · 12 comments

With previous rumors and now actual testing, we have concluded that the javascript webusb implementation of fusee-gelee seems to be broken right now.

Possibly fixed through 3e42e97 - Needs testing!

Not fixed, Ubuntu 18.04, Chrome 69.0.3497.100

Worked fine for me past 2 days, all Arch packages up to date.

@tylertoilet chrome version?

Chromium Version 76.0.3809.132

Hmm, tested Ubuntu 18.04 with Chromium 76.0.3809.100 and Chrome 76.0.3809.132 and it doesn't work. Might be some update that caused incompatibility across certain distros.

Last test on Pop! Os 19.04 with latest Brave wasn't successful either.

Not working, tested on Windows 10 1903 x86-64 with Brave.

Working with Arch with Chromium v76

Just out of curiosity the page says to add SUBSYSTEM==\"usb\", ATTR{idVendor}==\"0955\", MODE=\"0664\", GROUP=\"plugdev\" to /etc/udev/rules.d/50-switch.rules, however you shouldn't have the back slashes. Also there is no mention to adding your user to the plugdev group or creating the group if it doesn't exists.

Confirmed working again on Pop! Os 19.04 with Brave. I do understand Nichole's concern though, we definitely need to explain this better

Doesnt work on macOS 10.14.6 with Chrome Stable (77.0.3865.90). APX comes up; and it connects:

Requesting access to device...
Preparing to launch CTCaer_Hekate...
Connected to NVIDIA Corp. APX

However thats it. No payload is pushed. Screen on Switch remains blank.

macOS might possibly be fixed through #59.
Windows seems to sometimes work (Heard about Edge Chromium supporting it correctly)
Linux works fully again (with the tweak).