
Translation to Spanish

ElCosmoXD opened this issue · 15 comments

The page is not fully translated, here is a snippet of the translated page code to make it easier to update ;)

Captura 1

The code in spanish:
<p>En Linux, tu puedes obtener el error de 'Acceso Denegado' o 'Dispositivo no compatible' En el dialogo cuanto conectas! Tu puedes intentar crear un archivo con: <code>/etc/udev/rules.d/50-switch.rules</code>Con Los siguientes contenidos:<br><code>SUBSYSTEM=="usb", ATTR{idVendor}=="0955", MODE="0664", GROUP="plugdev"</code> y despues agrega tu mismo a el grupo "plugdev" escribiendo: <code>sudo usermod -a -G plugdev YOUR_NAME</code></p>

Captura 2

The code in spanish:
<p id="warningTested">Esto ha sido probado y aparentemente funciona en: Linux, OSX, Android (Sin Root) y Chromebooks. Su experiencia puede ser diferente.</p>

Captura 3

The code in spanish:

<p><strong id="labelInstructions">Instrucciones:</strong></p>
          <li id="liRCM">Pon tu switch en RCM, y conectalo en tu dispositivo.</li>
          <li id="liSelect">Selecciona entre el payload, de ejemplo o sube uno como "Kosmos".</li>
          <li id="liPress">Presiona 'Lanzar Payload!'</li>
          <li id="liAPX">En la pantalla que aparece, seleccione 'APX' y presione 'Conectar'.</li>
          <li id="liLaunch">Si todo va bien, el payload sera lanzado!</li>

Captura 4

The code in spanish:
<p>Guia de hackeos: <strong><a href="https://guide.teamatlasnx.com">AQUI</a></strong></p>

Captura 5
The code in spanish:
<p id="labelContribute">Si tu quisieras ayudar con una traduccion o subiendo/añadiendo un payload, mira <a href="https://github.com/AtlasNX/web-cfw-loader/blob/master/CONTRIBUTING.md">esto</a>.</p>

Captura 7

The code in spanish:

<div class="col-md-8 col-md-offset-2 col-lg-6 col-lg-offset-3">
        <h1 id="h1SetupDelivery">Lanzamiento del Payload</h1>

        <form id="mainForm">
          <div class="row">
            <div class="col-xs-6">
              <h4 id="h4SelectPayload">Selecciona el Payload:</h4>

            <div class="col-xs-6">
              <select class="pull-right" id="payloadSelect" onchange="onSelectChange()">
                <option value="CTCaer_Hekate" id="optionCTCaerHekate">Hekate</option>
                <option value="uploaded" id="optionUpload">Lanzar Payload</option>

          <div class="row" id="uploadContainer" style="display: none">
            <div class="col-xs-12">
              <input style="float: right" type="file" id="payloadUpload" accept=".bin">
          <div class="row divider-line"></div>

          <div class="row margin-top-md">
            <div class="col-xs-10">
              <h4 id="h4GetByteArray">Obtener el payload byte array</h4>
            <div class="col-xs-2">
              <input class="pull-right" type="checkbox" name="shouldDebug" id="shouldDebug">
          <div class="row divider-line"></div>

PD: Sorry for not adding the "es_ES.js" but I didn't read the contribution.md :(

No worries, thank you so much for your PR/Issue

(The translation hasn't been updated yet, wait for somebody to commit it before closing this issue lol)

ok, i'm waiting :)

@tumGER One question, how do Payloads convert to Hexadecimal for javascript? Because I would like to carry payloads for web pages like this.

It's quite simple - Upload a payload, check the "don't 'sploit" button and then copy the console's binary output to the payload.js variable for hekate (which is the hacky problem with this)

wow, is very simple, Thank You.

The full spanish translation is there, I actually made it more than a year ago, but it seems like something broke the translation script, since the rest of the languages aren't properly working neither. :b

I'll try to track down the bug this week and fix it.

Wow, this issue was made 4 months ago and no one complained about other languages to be broken too. Seems like no one is carying about web-cfw-loader now or not a lot of people knows about this tool or why it is such a big deal for Chromebook users like myself. :c

i forked this project for fix the broken languages. And i can see the error. For now the error is what the files like es-MX.js don't have all the traduction. But I am working to solve it. :D

The repo contains a full (outdated) spanish translation, there's no need to modify the file to fix this. Also, I made a PR to fix this some minutes ago.

I gonna check the possible bugs, and i try to fix this.

Wow, this issue was made 4 months ago and no one complained about other languages to be broken too. Seems like no one is carying about web-cfw-loader now or not a lot of people knows about this tool or why it is such a big deal for Chromebook users like myself. :c

It's quite simple, most people just use the standard language and keeping languages updated is a huge pita.

Anyway, the error is already fixed.