
Why do obj files read more vertices

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I use it meshlab.exe Open an obj file, or use Notepad to open an obj file. There are only 26408 vertices in it。
The obj file format is as follows (I removed the annotation symbol#)
Wavefront OBJ mtllib model.mtl 26408 vertices v -0.0495170839 0.7720808848 0.4657617399 v -0.0456603417 0.7741941402 0.4641847307 v -0.1665510523 0.7487052447 -0.0761576362 v 0.0980114390 0.7601768368 -0.0284780685 v 0.0954305225 0.7593402284 -0.0304180109 v 0.2112363794 0.7507016730 0.0587138140 v 0.2117039923 0.7513025276 0.0564567301 v 0.2442548111 0.7516214668 0.0573516367 v -0.1019155675 0.7483195137 -0.0658163599 v 0.3240373672 0.6416865419 -0.0256790367 v 0.2156865962 0.7512316044 0.0407874909 v 0.2910738839 0.7496361757 0.0008729120 v 0.2914005528 0.7498561777 -0.0001805026 v -0.1002491918 0.7556102703 0.0010426163 v -0.0954618129 0.7603561897 0.0031562183 v -0.0957103628 0.7601207650 0.0028731435 v 0.2860406632 0.7503417712 0.0227865344 v 0.2859714883 0.7505213540 0.0225769585 v -0.1583670350 0.7480347469 -0.1123186190 v -0.0569953775 0.7926299248 -0.0253003932 v -0.0781332995 0.7749295899 0.6390007532 v 0.1873167278 0.7809761373 0.6831041962 v 0.1824798420 0.7812302528 0.6822939733 v 0.0946332339 0.7807375689 0.6676606828 v 0.1271371529 0.7810844599 0.6730712102 v 0.0919379506 0.7801290763 0.6672108222 v 0.2039010933 0.7810425682 0.6858654135 v -0.2348067498 0.7754054320 0.6128682305 v -0.2638290460 0.7761159476 0.6080135198 ......

The code is as follows:


   auto reader =vtkSmartPointer<vtkOBJReader>::New();



polyData = reader->GetOutput();

    std::cout << "There are " << polyData->GetNumberOfPoints() << " GetNumberOfPoints." << std::endl;


but the output is
There are 156909 GetNumberOfPoints.

How to make the number of points output with vtkobjreader as many as the number of vertices?