
Field Description for Passwords Does not change When Changed in Account Settings

Closed this issue · 3 comments

If user changes value from the default one (12), this is no visible in the password description when creating new user from Accounts -> Users -> new user(see screenshot bellow), but is visible when changing account (top right corner).


  1. Login as kapua-sys
  2. Go to Accounts, create an account (e.g. acco0)
  3. Select acc0, go to Account settings, enter e.g. "13" int he min password length
  4. Try to add a new user (Account -> User -> add new user) - do not change accounts, stay on kapua-sys account
  5. Observe the number that is not changed from 12 to 13.

Expected behavior
Value in password description when creating new user from parent account should be changed.

Screenshot 2020-10-28 at 10 12 36

Version of Kapua

Type of deployment
[ ] Local Vagrant deployment
[x] Docker
[ ] Openshift (in its variants)
[ ] Others

Main component affected
[x] Console (in case of console please report info on which browser you encountered the problem)
[ ] REST API -> did not try rest api!!! -> please check!
[ ] Message Broker
[ ] - Others

Additional context
Add any other context about the problem here.

Hey @lorthirk, this is visible only when you try to create a user from parent account, so let's say:

  1. you login as kapua-sys and go to Accounts
  2. Create new account (e.g. 123)
  3. Select account 123, go to Account Settings
  4. Set infinite Child Users to True
  5. Go to CredentialService and set min password length to e.g. 20
  6. Now go to Users tab (when account 123 selected) and try to create new user
  • in this dialogue box you can see that the "12" is not changed:

Screenshot 2020-10-29 at 07 40 39

Ok so I have found out what happens here.
If you create accounts like this:

  • kapua-sys (root account)
    | -> account0 (subaccount of kapua-sys, has min password length of e.g. 123)
    | -> account0_1 (subaccount of account0, has min password length of e.g. 22)
    If you want to create a user in account0_1 when you are in account0, the "New User" dialogue box will show "123" min password length instead of 22.

I hope this is a bit clearer. It looks like that when you are trying to create a user in Accounts -> Users -> Add, the min password value is somehow extracted from the parent account...

I have verifiec that this issue has been resolved.