
Wrong Error Message When Min Password Length >255

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if you set min password length to 256, the error message is"Value must be smaller than 255", but this is wrong, becasue min password length may actually be 255, so the message should be "Value must be smaller than 256".


  1. Login as kapua-sys
  2. Go to Accounts, create an account (e.g. acco0)
  3. Select acc0, go to Account settings, change password.min.lenght to 256
  4. Try to create a user with 255 password length - observe the error.

Expected behavior
Error message should be "Value must be smaller than 256", because min password lenght may actually be 255.

Screenshot 2020-10-29 at 07 36 47

Version of Kapua

Type of deployment
[ ] Local Vagrant deployment
[x] Docker
[ ] Openshift (in its variants)
[ ] Others

Main component affected
[x] Console (in case of console please report info on which browser you encountered the problem)
[ ] REST API -> did not try rest api!!! -> please check!
[ ] Message Broker
[ ] - Others