
Error 500 WHen Trying to Change Password

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When user clicks on upper right corner to change password, 500 server error is shown (see screenshot bellow).


  1. Login as kapua-sys
  2. Go to Accounts, create an account (e.g. acco0)
  3. Select acc0, go to Account settings, change password.min.lenght to 15
  4. Create a user with a valid password, don't assign any permissions to it
  5. Login as newly created user, go to upper right menu -> change password
  6. Observe the server error

Expected behavior
there should be no 500 server error when clicking on upper right corner.

Screenshot 2020-10-29 at 09 24 21

Version of Kapua

Type of deployment
[ ] Local Vagrant deployment
[x] Docker
[ ] Openshift (in its variants)
[ ] Others

Main component affected
[x] Console (in case of console please report info on which browser you encountered the problem)
[ ] REST API -> did not try rest api!!! -> please check!
[ ] Message Broker
[ ] - Others