
Minimal Value can be Higher Than 255 Characters

Closed this issue · 6 comments

User can enter higher minimal password value than 255 (in this case 999999999).
So it is no possible to enter password, becasue the limit is 255.


  1. Login as kapua-sys
  2. Go to Accounts, create an account (e.g. acco0)
  3. Select acc0, go to Account settings, change password.min.lenght to 999999999
  4. Change infinite child users to True
  5. Try to create a user - it is not possible, because min length pass is bigger than max length

Expected behavior
minimal password should be resticted to 254.

Screenshot 2020-10-28 at 08 24 42

Version of Kapua

Type of deployment
[ ] Local Vagrant deployment
[x] Docker
[ ] Openshift (in its variants)
[ ] Others

Main component affected
[x] Console (in case of console please report info on which browser you encountered the problem)
[ ] REST API -> did not try rest api!!! -> please check!
[ ] Message Broker
[ ] - Others

Uhm... Why minimum should be 243?

Well...the system defauly is 12, right? so if user is able to set min password to e.g. 250, that is 5 characters long passwrod, which is not compliant with the system setting? also password with only e.g. 5 characters is weak in its nature. What do you think?

Uhm... if min password is 250, it means that the password can be anything between 250 and 255 long. I honestly still can't get your point 😄

shit crap, sorry, I am stupid.
Yeah, youa re right. Brain freeze. Updated issue 😄

I decided to allow up to 255, just in case someone wants exactly 255. I know the message would sound silly, but I really don't think anyone would set 255 anyway.

I have verified that this issue has been fixed.