
Project file is incomplete. Expected imports are missing.

Opened this issue · 6 comments

The first thing I have to say is that I really admire the effort you invest in this.
You came really far with this.

I just wanted to give your project a try and have a look at it but when I want to open it I can't open the "UwpAspNetLib" project.

The message in my output window is:
"UwpAspNetLib.csproj : error : Project file is incomplete. Expected imports are missing."

I have the newest VS2017 version and the newest .Net Core Version. Am I still missing something or am I just dumb?

I'm still rather new to UWP and stuff like that so I'm a bit clueless.

I think you’re probably missing the iot core template extension in VS, you’ll have to install that for this to work.

Did installing the iot templates resolve this issue?

Sorry for not answering for the weekend. Haven't had acces to my work PC for a few days. I had the extension already installed so sadly this did not fix the issue.

It doesn't like the Razor project type. Is it included in the latest VS 15.7.1 or do we need to install something extra?

I’ll be getting back to this soon and will update things. I was working with preview bits before but I believe this is all available in 2.1 now so I probably just need to update the project a bit

To use the Razor extension to build the views.dll, you must install the ASP.NET Core SDK that is part of the .NET Core 2.1 SDK: