
I cannot figure out how to get this working on a fresh EndeavourOS Install

Gymcap opened this issue · 5 comments

Gymcap commented

I'm trying to set this up on EndeavourOS with CinnamonDE and LightDM. I'm finding the instructions a tad confusing.

For instance:
groupadd -r autologin useradd -m ${USERNAME} -G autologin
When I use "my" username, it states this user exists already. When I try the command outright it doesn't work either. I gave it my best guess and chose a new username. Now at the end of the install, this new user has a password I don't know?

I would really appreciate some help with this somehow.

Same here with stock arch Linux!

Made fresh install with arch installer and set cinnamon and lightdm from the start!

But the part with "steps" is...

Hi, could you please post the output of journalctl -b | grep lightdm

Also the first step is enabling autologin with lightdm by simply creating a group called autologin and adding your existing user to that group, rather than creating a new user.

I'm trying to set this up on EndeavourOS with CinnamonDE and LightDM. I'm finding the instructions a tad confusing.

For instance:
groupadd -r autologin useradd -m ${USERNAME} -G autologin
When I use "my" username, it states this user exists already. When I try the command outright it doesn't work either. I gave it my best guess and chose a new username. Now at the end of the install, this new user has a password I don't know?

I would really appreciate some help with this somehow.

Just to clarify, you don't have to edit those commands with your username, the commmand ${USERNAME} Ran from a terminal will automatically output your current username so you don't have to change anything, the only command you have to change is at the 4th step. Everything else is just copying and pasting in a terminal.

Hi, could you please post the output of journalctl -b | grep lightdm

Also the first step is enabling autologin with lightdm simply creating a group called autologin and adding your existing user to that group, rather than creating a new user.

Thanks, going to check that!

Can steam be installed with "Pacman" or better as a flatpak?

Also mangoapp isn't a package (can't be found even with yay (AUR)

And is there a reason why to use cinnamon and not KDE plasma which the deck uses? Just curious!

Today I noticed that the packages were merged into mangohud and lib32-mangohud so mangoapp isn't longer needed.

I use cinnamon as my daily driver right now but it can be configured with any DE you want just make sure to edit the files properly.

As for Pacman or Flatpak I don't think there's much difference, i would guess that flatpak uses more space since it requires different specific versions of it's dependencies.