
Makefile not working on ubuntu server 17.04

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You can compile the software without the makefile using this string:

sudo gcc swmm5.o climate.o controls.o culvert.o datetime.o dwflow.o dynwave.o error.o exfil.o findroot.o flowrout.o forcmain.o gage.o gwater.o hash.o hotstart.o iface.o infil.o inflow.o input.o inputrpt.o keywords.o kinwave.o landuse.o lid.o lidproc.o link.o massbal.o mathexpr.o mempool.o node.o odesolve.o output.o project.o qualrout.o rain.o rdii.o report.o routing.o runoff.o shape.o snow.o stats.o statsrpt.o subcatch.o surfqual.o table.o toposort.o transect.o treatmnt.o xsect.o -lm -lpthread -DLINUX -fopenmp -o swmm5

where -o swmm5 indicates the name of the compiled program and you can change that name to whatever you want.