
Highlight Matches

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First off, thanks for the handy tool, it cam in very handy on a recent project.

I had one suggestion while using the tool that greatly increases it's usability. That would be to highlight valid results so it's easier to scan the list and see if there are matches. By valid I mean matching an indicated set of characters like a-zA-Z0-9.,?! :;\'". As a web developer myself I threw together a simple little script to to this for me but it would be nice if it was built it. (Especially because you're one of the top results when googling "Crib drag solver")

You can see my script here and there's a bookmarklet version included there. The functions are built in such a way to sit on top of your site and don't edit any of your functions so they are a bit excessive. If you built this functionality into the crib_change() there would be much less code needed and probably make use of classes instead of setting border and color elements themselves.

Let me know if you have any questions or of you just want me to make a pull request including the change.