Multi-user is broken
Closed this issue · 3 comments
Move user graphs from /index.html to a user-specific page.
Verify something is done with the user value that is provided with each query.
Remove all hard-coded user values.
Things are a lot better. Multi-user works, but it can be challenging to change users and easy to not be the user you think you are.
Hard-coded users are removed. Usage of a default user has been restricted to some non-RDBM storage on disk operations.
The confusion of which user is actually logged-in needs to be addressed before this issue can be satisfactorily resolved.
This user mix-up is due to caching of the login by the browser (Brave in this case.) Clearing the undesired use/password from the browser's logging manager is the only way I could resolve the browser's instance in login as a particulate user (in spite of what I was typing into the login dialog.)
It's going to be necessary to display the username in the header of the main screen.
The username is clearly displayed on the main page, now.
- The code has been cleaned up to handle a new user. The hard-coded user has been removed except in some cases where on-disk data files are read instead of accessing the RDBMS.
- Steps have been taken to handle an empty database, as would result from a new user.
- There is still some difficulty changing users when the user credentials have been added to the browser's password manager. To avoid confusion, the user name is displayed on the main form.