You will find the Jupyter Notebooks of the tutorials for the workshop here.
Quickstart (Dave)
Quick (re-)introduction to Python language:
- Packages
- Dictionnaries, lists, tuples
- Generators
- Lists and dictionnaries in comprehension
- maps and filters
- exceptions
Best practices (Louis)
Introduction to best practices to keep your code nice and readable:
- PEP 8 - the Style Guide for Python Code
- docstrings
- linters
- code style tools: black, isort
- Packaging
- Virtual environments
Python for data analysis (Dave)
Introduction to basic scientific computing and plotting tools:
- numpy: arrays, array operations, and times
- scipy: signal processing, fitting, statistics
- matplotlib: figures, axes, line plots, contour plots
CDF files with Python (Louis)
Introducing to CDF files, and Python I/O CDF tools:
- Structure of CDF files and ISTP
- Reading CDF files with pycdfpp
Introduction to data structures for space plasma analysis:
- The xarray package
- DataArrays for time series and spectrograms.
- Datasets for velocity distribution functions.
Introduction to PyRFU:
- Objective
- Quick demonstration
Geopack (Vanina)
Introduction to Geopack:
- The Geopack model
- The Tsyganenko models