
Advantages over EquationKit???

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Hi! Just took a quick glance at this project. I am the author of EquationKit, a project that enables you to write multivariate polynomials in Pure swift. It supports partial derivates and evaluation of polynomials given constants with really Swifty syntax.

I was wondering which advantages lioness has? You have gone to the ambitions length of writing an AST interpreter, which is really cool! So maybe you can express stuff that I cannot in EquationKit?

My project is protocol driven and fully generic, it supports Double or attaswift/BigInt or any Numeric conforming to my rather simple protocol NumberExpressible.

It would be cool to hear from you what your AST interpreter enables that my project lacks support for :)

Edit: Saw now that you also have Cub, so feel free to answer from the perspective of Cub :)