Scrolling is broken in 1.1
LeoNatan opened this issue · 5 comments
LeoNatan commented
Very cool app!
Scrolling seems to be broken with 1.1. On a new document or a short one, it’s not possible to scroll at all, and thus not possible to dismiss the keyboard.
louisdh commented
If I understand you correctly, you're saying that scrolling works fine when there's text that doesn't fit the screen. But scrolling to dismiss the keyboard doesn't work when there's no text offscreen (and thus no scroll bar)?
LeoNatan commented
Yes, exactly. It's one of the properties on UIScrollView
that controls this. I think it's alwaysBounceVertical
LeoNatan commented
It is exactly that:
If this property is set to YES and bounces is YES, vertical dragging is allowed even if the content is smaller than the bounds of the scroll view. The default value is NO.
LeoNatan commented