
Basic tables functionality

Opened this issue · 5 comments

Similarly to multiple inboxes, this is a view that can be applied to a particular item to show the child items in a different way.

Just two columns should be shown: one for the item title (minus the tags in it) and the other column for the tags in the item title, for example:

Item name Tags
Poodle #moderatetotrain #small
German shepherd #easytotrain #medium
Golden retriever #easytotrain #medium

The tags column header when clicked should open a multi-select dropdown which shows all child tags, eg:

  • #easytotrain
  • #moderatetotrain
  • #small
  • #medium
    That way it's easy to filter out items eg can uncheck #small to hide the "Poodle" item.

This would be superb functionality for making simple tables work in a useful way.

Have you tried the filter feature yet? It allows you to show all child items for a specific parent that have a specific list of tags.

Just tried it now it's pretty good, thanks for the feature! It could use extending a bit more however with some additional options:

  • The current "tags" box shows all tags within the Document, rather than just tags which are actually present in child items of the selected Location (i.e. currently there are many tags which lead to no search results)
  • Table layout option gives a more readable GUI if you just want to see the tags and rest of item name separately, and would make selecting/deselecting tags quicker
  • It would be nice to be able to save these filtered searches or tables to the sidebar for easy access
  • Support Tag Attributes - this allows for better search functionality, and in the context of a table it can be used for a multi-column layout like this mockup:

    (the last column shows the aforementioned multi-select dropdown which shows the related tag-attribute tags, which allows easily deselecting them)

Filters can be saved already. After creating the filter, select the option from the menu in the top right.

What can you do with tag attributes ? How are these different from normal tags in terms of what you can do with them?

In terms of the table layout it is also not entirely clear how this will fit on small screens.

Ah great, couldn't find the Save feature before, it works really well :)

There's a link on the Trello card to the forum discussion on Tag Attributes, but for example a list with the items:

  • @assigned_to(Bob) take out the trash
  • @assigned_to(Amanda) do the dishes

Right now "@assigned_to" is a recognised tag, which is good because it allows me to easily check for which tasks have an assignment and which don't. But "@assigned_to(Amanda)" and "@assigned_to(Bob)" should be tags also, so I can see which tasks are specifically assigned to each person.

As for table layout, you can either take inspiration from Google Sheets on mobile for example (pinch zoom out to overview the entire sheet or swipe the zoomed area around), or swipe left/right on the table header area to move from showing columns 1-2 to showing others, or simply force landscape mode etc.