
Missing Religion Icons

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A few religions are currently missing unique icons and need them. While this isn't game-breaking, it can lead to some confusion for the players who can't tell the religions apart.

Currently the following icons are missing:

  • aquileian, heresy and normal
  • montanist, normal
  • apollinarian, normal
  • docetic, normal
  • melchisedechianism, normal
  • patripassianism, normal
  • sabellianism, normal
  • psilanthropism, normal
  • monarchianism, normal
  • sanamahi_reformed, heresy and normal
  • samaritan, heresy and normal

On Montanist:
Montanus was a Cybele priest before his conversion and his former faith affected his Montanist views. We could use a mix of a Christian (Chalcedonian or Catholic) cross and a symbol of Cybele (probably pine cone).

Some research suggests that Aquileia's characteristic symbol was mix of latin or greek cross and labarum:

So maybe something like this will do:

Thanks a lot @MordredDerby ! ๐Ÿ™‚ That will indeed do for the normal icon, and then we can also add a red heresy version.

Not sure if it's the right hue, but here it is: https://goo.gl/9yQUvK

Also, there is such a thing as Seal of Melchizedek, which can be used for Melchisedechian (maybe I'll do it later): https://goo.gl/dYJDEg

Excellent work!

To have it in this dedicated issue, for the Samaritan religion, we discussed this icon as a potential base:

Proposal on Montanist based on my previously posted idea:
(Nicene cross with 2 pine cones)

If the idea is to mix Cybelian with Nicene, why not just use the current Cybelian icon to mix?

Like this?

The issue with that is that you think the character is in a secret cult, so no.

Do you have any proposal?

Aren't all the links dead?

Maybe, when the search bug has been resolved we will have to look if there are other such threads.