
[history.cpp:767]: Error in common/province_setup/00_province_setup.txt: Title for 1408 does not correspond to history.

Closed this issue · 5 comments

In province setup it's c_kumul, but in history it's c_anxi.

Good news from Holy Fury patch notes:
"- Eliminated the "province_setup" folder. Now based purely on province history instead, meaning you no longer have to duplicate script"

This is a good change, but doesn't solve this issue. One of these titles is wrong, not necessarily the one which will stay after the compatch.

I have looked at it and 1408 is meant to be Kumul while 1450 is meant to be Kara Khoja/Gaochang and 1446 is Jiaohe. I hope that clears up the confusion. @IhateTrains does this resolve it?

This still confuses me, maybe because I don't know the region at all. But if you checked that it's OK, then I think we can close it.

From what I understand the issue was that province setup did not correspond with the history. That province setup was then removed, but since history was correct in the first place everything should be fine.