
The Franco-Visigothic Wars

Opened this issue · 12 comments


I know wikipedia isn't the best source but the lack of any events in the timeline surprises me, it deserves more than a simple map change from one year to another.

  • Syagrius escape to the visigothic kingdom, making Clovis demand his deportation (the player decision can or not avoid the wars)

  • War between the belligerents, with events that change their type of participation

  • Alaric II shows up as dying of natural death in the mod, while in this war he supposedly was killed by Clovis (Battle event maybe?)

  • A event where around half of the visigothic population migrates to the iberian peninsula if the visigoths lose the war

That is far too much rail-roading for my taste. Syagrius will naturally espace if he loses his demesne, the participation is handled by sending troops or not, and dying in battle is done through vanilla events. We could change the death cause however. And on migration, what source do you base that upon?


Kingdom of Toulouse

"...Following a brief war with the Franks, Alaric was forced to put down a rebellion in Tarraconensis, probably caused by recent Visigoth immigration to Hispania due to pressure from the Franks..."

Visigothic settlements

"...and specially after the Battle of Vouille, many Goths and their federated peoples, such as the Vandals, Ostrogoths, and Sarmatians, moved to settle more freely under their kindred clans' rulers, the reiks, who received dukedom territories or comital offices as counts over smaller territories or key urban locations within the provinces of Hispania and in southwestern Gaul..."

You said "around half of the population"?

Sounds absurd? An Arian population conquered by a Catholic ruler might for sure felt discomfort and decided to move. I now got curious about the visigoths around barcelona, didn't they mostly migrate to hispania after vouille?

So "around half of the visigothic population" is just your guesses?

Yep, i could not get estimates, so a random number of counties affected are set?

Yep, i could not get estimates, so a random number of counties affected are set?

Or as any other war, new rulers culture convert provinces through the random MTTH.

I don't like the consistency of MTTH for situations like these, getting the goths into hispania would take almost two centuries, the minimal MTTH is ~24 years (Steward 15+ and Depopulation 3), In real life the people moved on or stayed and got absorbed.

Plus: Theodoric the Great managed Visigothica from 511 to 526, due to Amalaric's infancy, making Theodoric a emperor and the Visi under his control is the closest approach i can see, 522-526 Amalaric was a adult but yet under Ostrogothic influence.

Plus: Theodoric the Great managed Visigothica from 511 to 526, due to Amalaric's infancy, making Theodoric a emperor and the Visi under his control is the closest approach i can see, 522-526 Amalaric was a adult but yet under Ostrogothic influence.

No, they are a tributary.

In-game they are 100% independent.

In-game they are 100% independent.

I confused the two, inside k_vandalica :

	set_tribute_suzerain = { who = k_italy percentage = 0.25 }
	holder = 94
	clear_tribute_suzerain = k_italy

I can look at the Visigoths to see why they are not a tributary.

I can look at the Visigoths to see why they are not a tributary.

Solved in cbdfb29.