louridas's Followers
- cavaldes
- z101m
- magaiver007
- dkokkotasAthens University of Economics and Business
- EleniKechriotiAthens University Of Economics and Business
- giannisbaltasMSc in Data Science @ AUEB
- Neustradamus
- lamadelrae@radixeng
- kyriaziathanasia
- athinakfl
- ferminmg
- GiorgosNikitopoulos
- theogeorgantasAthens University of Economics and Business
- JimLiv06
- Kostadis999
- tushartusharDalhousie University
- LefterisKyriazanosAthens Technology Center
- FanisBakAueb
- danieldanielidesBerlin
- foivosproAUEB
- Eqerem-Hena
- JaskJohinAthens, Greece
- eftitseliou
- GeorgeGiamvriasAthens University of Economics and Business
- christosmakrisBlueground
- christosgousisAthens University of Economics and Business
- ChristosPapas
- nataliakassou
- eraldprifti03AUEB
- giannisntop
- pvarouktsis
- MarkellaEgglezouAthens University of Economics and Busin
- AnnaMariaDimareli
- simosathan9Athens , Greece
- panos1bAUEB