
Ankiweb page

Closed this issue · 7 comments

I noticed this is no longer on ankiweb and had someone ask me about it. Are you looking to transfer this to a new maintainer? If so I would be willing to do that

Given the changes, it would be faster and cost less to maintain if you write a new one from scratch. This was documented in the release pages.

Ok thanks for the info

btw I plan to rewrite these for 2.2 if the API is more stable. So don't use the same title if you work on something similar.

My guess is Qt5 -> Qt6 -> Electron. There will be multiple changes coming. GL.

When is Anki 2.2 planned?

It's hypothetical... But that's the direction Anki is moving towards.

That would mean that your planned rewrite would be hypothetical as well; are you okay with me or AnKingMed rewriting it now (under a different name)? Really big fan your work btw!

Knock yourselves out. I also take PRs if you like to help out, but not for this addon since it requires a rewrite.