

Opened this issue · 3 comments

Hello all.,
I am not from a tech background. But i would want to download one huge image - tried dezoomify. But it didn't work. It will be great if someone helps.


The link has ? and lots of characters after the same, like above. The link is expired link - but even if i create a fresh link. Dezoomify is not considering the characters after ? string.

Is there any way to solve this. WOuld be grateful,


Hello ! The link you passed is an image, can you share the original website you are trying to download from ? Dezoomify-rs does not ignore URL parameters (characters after the question mark). However, given the name of the first parameter is sig, I guess the website uses signed URLs, and maybe signed URLs for the tiles too, which is not supported by dezoomify.

Again, impossible to say more without an actual reproduction. Please post a link to the webpage that contains the image you are trying to download.

Thank you for the comment. I am trying to use the image in this link - https://pathpresenter.net/display/208964?type=slide-library-public

For further assistance, details in bio.