How can I download this dzi-file with dezoomify-rs?
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Hi, I would be very thankful if anyone knows how to download this dzi-file in dezoomify-rs, I am using v2.12.0 on macOS.
Do I need to change anything in the file itself or is there another way of doing it...
This is the image, and the same goes to all images on the website:
This is the dzi-file:
And this is the file from dezoomify extension:
(I can download the image with dezoomify extension, but it will not give me the highest resolution.)
Thanks to all of you!
No alterations needed for this site, just enter the dzi file's url directly at Dezoomify-rs then choose the needed zoom level (0 is 18831px). there are no restrictions on the site such as cross origin policy or so.
Thanks once more for the help!
I did that procedure with the version I mentioned, but it didn't work for me, it gave me errors, and that's why I asked your help.
But thank you for confirming me that it works!
I will see how I can manage this.
All good to you!
Well, I'm using the latest version on windows, perhaps there is a difference somewhere between versions.
Another way is by using the generic dezoomer with an altered tile url of the largest zoom level like this :{{X}}_{{Y}}.jpg
but that would take a long time to complete.
Ok! Thank you for confirming that it works on the latest Windows version.
I have for the moment macOS El Capitan, an older version, maybe that's why it is not working, and the altered tile url is not working for me either.
I will go to someone who works with Windows, and hopefully manage to download the paintings form there.
If anyone knows that this can be done with the latest macOS version, please inform me, so I can purchase a new Mac.
Many thanks once again!